I've received more than one comment on this comic. It seems most people just don't understand it...and I agree that it may be a bit confusing.
Lemme explain. A little while ago I visited a Reptile Zoo with some family. They had Steve Irwin toys there. I didn't even know Steve Irwin had a toy line so this amazed me. I also noticed that certain sets came complete with a dangerous animal like a crocodile or snake. I wondered if these toys were in bad taste seeing as how Irwin died to a dangerous animal...
I looked for one that came with a Manta Ray cause I thought if it existed, I would have a reason to call Matel (or whoever makes these toys) and give them a lesson in morality! Fortunately, there was none, but I thought it might be humorous enough to put in a comic. I probably didn't deliver the joke well enough...but maybe this insight will help you understand what I'm saying here.
Imagine that I added three more panels to the end of the comic. Each zooming into the Manta Ray's eyes with the "DA - DA - DAAAAAaaaaaaa" sound you hear in Horror films. Maybe that will present the malicious intent on the Manta's behalf.
Manga Comic

Manga Vs Comic
I got a lot of confused comments over the the "Manga Comic" post. I want to clear things up. "Manga Vs Comic" was my first attempt at making something that would work as a comic and still show how confusing Manga must be for readers who are not used to reading Manga. In the end I didn't like the comic. I didn't think it was funny, it didn't make much sense.
Now I need to explain Manga. Apparently Manga is writen to be read from RIGHT TO LEFT not LEFT TO RIGHT as we are accustomed to in North America. So when I read my first Manga, I was so confused as to why two people would be talking in the left pannel and then introducing themselves in the right pannel. Eventually I figured it out. I wanted to give the reader a chance to also figure out what Manga Comic was about. If you read the comic the way we normally do in north America, the accused seems to deny ever using the Wii (everyone see that?). If you read the comic backwards, or as if it was a manga, from right to left, the accused now acts completely differently. Fully admitting to using the Wii and belittling the desires of the other guy.
It's just interesting how a comic can take two opposite forms simply by the direction of the reading.
Lastly, I know it isn't funny. Both right to left and left to right are neither funny or amusing. It's just the uniquness of its form. If anything, I hope you can appreciate that!

I watched so much Lonney Toons as a kid. I don't think they made me laugh as much as they entertained me. I wanted to post a comic as tribute to something that held me glued to the television for hours.
As a side note, this is the last catch up comic I posted. I made this blog after I had already created a long list of comics that I have been posting for friends. This Blog has been made for easier management and search of archived comics. Thanks for reading up to this point XD

This is a very early comic. I originally was reluctant to post this comic for my friends a while back since I didn't think it was too funny. In the end I decided that I didn't care, some one some where might find it funny.

The conscious effort to leave most of this comic uncoloured is part of it's charm as well as it's main problem. I should have traced the lines with a Black marker...the lines as they are are just too light. However, it is also the very thing that helps this comic make sense in the end.

I'm sure there are a lot of inanimate objects that would like revenge on us. Toilet paper, Soccer Balls, Piniata's...

How are "Anarchy" advocates organized? Do they meet? Do they have a system of rules? Do they follow a speaker? ...Seriously?
It would be just like Megatron to not have wheelchair access into his evil lair. What an asshole!Watch One of the Greatest Final Battles Ever!

Bomberman tournaments were a regular event with my college/university friends. We comprized a board that kept score of how many Gold Bomberman victories we all achieved for the SNES version of Bomberman. One of the best multiplayer games ever, I would still play it today if my friends and I lived in the same house.
My Bomber man was coloured SILVER!
My made up special move was named "Rising Thunder!"
My status as a legitimate cool guy after what I just wrote, non existent.

Holy Fuck! I only now realized that I thought Tony Iommi's name was Tony Viola. Why didn't anyone tell me!?
Anyways, some of you may not know who Iommi is. Before he became popular as the guitarist for Black Sabbath he was working a factory job in England. On his last day at work he was asked to operate a machine he wasn't familiar with and consequently he accidentally chopped off the tips of his guitar strumming fingers. Instead of quitting guitar (and thus changing the course of heavy metal as we know it) he decided to fashion a few prosthetic finger tips. I think it's commonly accepted that the material he used to make the prothetics (plastic if I remember correctly) helped make the heavy "dead" sound in his guitaring. This, amongst other reasons, helped send Black Sabbath on their way as one of musics greatest bands.
All that was regurgitated from memory (a heavy metal biography) so if you think I got somehting wrong, go to Wikipedia and shut up! I don't even listen to Black Sabbath :P
Tony Iommi

I like this comic alot. It's so simple but immediately understandable.
I know this comic seems so simple. I simply reversed the main idea and said, "behold, humor!!" Sometimes seeing things in a new perspective is enough to at least amuse people. If nothing else, I at least want to make people smile when they read these comics.
Another very early comic. Originally this comic had one more panel but I decided to remove it in final editing. Sometimes leaving something to the imagination is better than spelling it out for the reader.
Don't get this comic? Check out Portal Game Play Footage.
Ukulele...Hmmmmm this is an odd comic. It's also a really early one. You can tell by the the slightly different art work. I wonder why I stopped drawing hair?

I drew this comic with an alternate ending because I wasn't sure which punch line I liked more. Turns out most people preferred the second one.
LeVar Burton on Reading Rainbow

This pun is kind of lame I'll admit it. If I could do it over, I would change the transformer to something generic like "Octo-bot." The only reason for the lame pun is because a kid in my wife's class said his favorite Transformer was "Octopus Crime" so he helped me come to this idea.
Transformers Transforming Sound