Bread to be Evil
Good day everyone.
This week is something of a special post. Over the week I was able to accrue 12 more people for the e-mail list. Currently, there are 42 people on the list! Thanks so much for the support.
Since this is a special landmark, I thought I would celebrate by posting some terrible comics!
Hopefully you enjoy them. By the way, before I posted these comics, I had reservations about posting "Bread to be Evil" since I thought it was a bit over the line. After hearing my friend Roman's joke last night...I think I'm well within acceptable limits here.
P.S. If you would like me to add anyone to the mailing list, please send me an E-mail and I will gladly add them. Thanks
Control Science, Control Information
Rubik's Cube
Only two comics this week. The first summer school semester is coming to a close and finals are bunching up. I really can't wait to finish summer school and get back to taking my time with the comics.
I had drawn a third comic but I just didn't think it was funny at all, maybe I can revise it and send it another time, I actually have several comics waiting in a "Needs revising" folder...I just haven't fixed any of them yet...
Anyways, I hope you like the two comics this week.
Frank :D
Corrective Leash
Schrodinger's Zombie Cat
Scotish Trick
Hi Hi.
3 comics this week. Last weeks final paper and midterm went well (as far as I can tell) and hopefully I don't get swamped like that again any time soon.
This week, only Schrodinger's Zombie Cat may give some people pause. Schrodinger is not a person everyone knows about.
Enjoy the comics